Main Window
Filter menu
Below the “Tasks” label go predefined filters. Select a filter to show only the tasks which are subject to the selected criteria:
  • Running – currently downloading tasks.
  • Suspended – paused tasks and tasks those are waiting for their turn.
  • Complete – successfully finished tasks.
  • Incomplete – running and suspended tasks combined.
  • Waiting – tasks scheduled to start at specified time.
  • Complete – successfully finished tasks which were once scheduled.

Groups help you sort downloaded files automatically, by file type or source address, or manually. Read more


You can assign a tag to a downloaded file manually, when adding a download task, or automatically using the Groups feature. Default tag can be set on the Task tab of the application preferences.

The list of tags is the same as you may find in the Finder. Use the Finder's preferences to add or remove tags.

Filter Menu
Column selection
Default list of columns, you’re able to see at first launch of the application, is short. It includes:
  • task state (running, complete, etc.)
  • result filename (the name used to store on your local drive)
  • current progress
  • file size (current/full)
  • current download speed
  • elapsed time
  • estimated time to finish
  • start and/or finish time
  • number of concurrent download threads
  • task priority
  • name of the source host

This list can be changed by a right-click on the list header.

Note that double click between column header cells resizes left column to fit all text in it.

Column Selection
Context menu

A right-click on a task reveals the context menu. Let’s take a look at the items:

  • Threads – all currently established connections with ability to control their count (hidden for completed tasks).
  • Mirrors – list of known alternative sources. You can lock one of them if you prefer to use just one source to download from.
  • Speed – set maximum download speed of the selected task (hidden for completed tasks).
  • Priority – set it to high if you wish the task to start downloading earlier than the others (it makes sense with waiting tasks only).
  • Copy - copy source URLs to selected files.
  • Paste - add new download tasks using URLs previously copied somewhere else with ⌘+C.
  • Groups - view or change currently assigned group. Read more about Groups
  • Open/Reveal in Finder – open files with OS or reveal them in the Finder.
  • Rename – change name of the result file.
  • Start/Suspend... - control over the selected download tasks.

Context Menu