How can I download macOS system and app updates available in the App Store?

System updates can be downloaded from the following page:

Apps can be only updated via App Store. There's no other way. Read more on how to do it.

How can I stop Progressive Downloader intercepting all mp3 files in my browser?
Are there any differences between the Mac App Store and the site versions?
Feature Site MAS & Zevera support
Sandbox environment
Automatic turn off/sleep when all tasks finished
Updates Installed by the application itself Installed by the App Store application
Power Nap in Active Hours and scheduler

How can I add a new task and start it using AppleScript?

Use the following snippet:

tell application "Progressive Downloader"
	set newTask to make new task
	tell newTask to set address to ""
	resume newTask
end tell

How do I reset application settings to default state?

Launch Progressive Downloader, from application menu select "Progressive Downloader" -> "Reset to Defaults" and answer "Yes" to reset all application settings.

How to add a new download using command shell?

Use the following command template:

"`defaults read com.PS.PSD psAppPath` -add url [url] cookie [cookies] referer [referrer] destination [destination]"

To clarify:

How to completely uninstall the application?

How do I download to a network share (NAS)?

In practice, you should avoid direct downloads to a network share. Progressive Downloader uses best things APFS and HFS+ provide so it's always better to download a file to a local disk and move it anywhere you want when download is finished. This operation can automized:

on Complete(path)
	set source to POSIX file path
	-- Replace the path with the correct mount point of your network share
	set destination to POSIX file "/Volumes/NetworkShare/Downloads"
	tell application "Finder"
		move source to folder destination with replacing
	end tell
end Complete

How to disable automatic updates?

When you want to stick to some particular version of the app, you may need to disable automatic updates. To do so, open and execute the following line:

defaults write com.PS.PSD psCheckForUpdates -bool NO

Use the line bellow to turn automatic update back on:

defaults write com.PS.PSD psCheckForUpdates -bool YES

I cannot activate the Plus feautures. What should I do?
How can I automatically delete completed downloads?
How can I export download history to a CSV file?
How can I use the app to download files from Python?

Use the following function:

import subprocess
import time

def download_file(source, destination):
    if os.path.basename(source) == os.path.basename(destination):
        dirname = os.path.dirname(destination)
        dst = destination
        dirname = destination
        dst = os.path.join(destination, os.path.basename(source))

    if os.path.isfile(dst):

    app_path = "/Applications/Progressive Downloader"
    template = "'{}' -add url '{}' destination '{}' filename '{}' useDefaults 1"
    command = template.format(app_path, source, dirname, os.path.basename(source))
    process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    while not os.path.isfile(dst):

    return True